
Buy Juice Online For Your Daily Diet Requirements

Buy Juice Online


Lifestyle changes and an increase in health awareness have made people look for healthy drinks with more nutritive value. Juices of fresh fruits and vegetables provide health-promoting benefits. There is a growing demand for cold-pressed unpasteurised fruits and vegetable juices.


Diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with fewer risks of chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, age-related issues and some forms of cancer. Regularly consuming juices made from fresh fruits and vegetables is strongly recommended.


Cold-pressed juices are made by extracting the juice of fruits and vegetables at a very low speed by using a hydraulic press. The juice obtained is not pasteurised so the nutrient value is not lost. The juices have to be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 3 days. You can buy juice online or from the market. It does not contain added sweeteners, preservatives or flavoring.


These juices contain the health-promoting compounds of the fruits and vegetables they are sourced from. Therefore it is recommended to consume juices in moderation regularly. To get the benefits of all types of nutrients you should consume a variety of juices.


For example, apples help to reduce blood cholesterol, improve digestion and help to fight diseases. Beet is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibre and helps to cleanse the blood. Broccoli is rich in vitamins and phytochemicals and helps to prevent heart diseases and some forms of cancer and control diabetes.


Health benefits of cold-pressed juices

  • These juices are made without using any spinning blades which maintain a low temperature. The juice extracted does not get exposed to heat and therefore has high nutrient value. The cold-pressed juices are the healthiest form of juices but they should be consumed fresh.
  • These juices are healthy and provide your body with the essential nutrients. They help in detoxification and the prebiotics present in them promote a healthy digestive system. They are helpful in introducing good bacteria in the gut.
  • When you regularly intake the essential nutrients it will give you healthier skin, nails and hair. Some of the juices also aid in weight loss.
  • The body requires a lot of energy to digest solid food. The juices can be absorbed easily by the body as they are in liquid form. 
  • The juices are nutrient-rich and do not contribute to weight gain or obesity when consumed in moderation. They contain the beneficial bioactive compound which gives the juice its colour, taste and aroma.
  • You should eat fruits and vegetables of different colours like green, red, orange/yellow and purple to get the benefit of all the nutrients. You can consume a variety of juices to get the required intake. If you do not like eating fruits and vegetables then you can add a variety of juices to your diet.